Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 25: Sick Day

Yesterday was my day off and we hiked up 2000ft to see the Yogi Monks. They are the monks that almost have super powers they can create their own heat so that they only have to wear t-shirts when in below zero temperatures, and other things. But it's at an extremely remote location. And was hell of a hike, when we finally got to the top one of the people that was will us puked and another almost passed out. Thankfully i felt fine. We met a couple Yogis and met one nun that had just arrived days before and was there to train under the Yogis. On the way back down i wasn't feeling so good and by the end of the night i was in bad shape, i won't go into the gross details but it wasn't pretty. I stayed back from going to the school today and stayed in bed all day with what i thought was the flu, but now by the end of the night i'm almost all the way better so i think it might have been an altitude problem. Oh well just another adventure in India. I'm excited to get back on the site tomorrow though because we're pretty close to putting up the shade structure so that should be very exciting!


  1. Sorry I didn't have longer to commiserate with you over being sick when you called this morning. I know that it's no fun being sick when you're on your own.

    We're off to the cabin with g'ma & g'pa (Nona too). I guess it's old folks weekend (N & me included).

    More later, MYS

  2. I was sick a little today also. The Heat got to me. I had to drink a couple of beers and go crusing on the lake after the sunset. It was a nice little run. KC, I and Gene went on his party boat Wednesday night and had a relaxing cruise around the Lake. Gene really enjoyed that. Hope your feeling better. For a new design idea you could put in that they should build at lower elevations. I would even be less costly because of Transportation cost. I'll check out the rest of your Blog's later tonight.


  3. Hey Caty, Glad that your altitude sickness was pretty short lived. We have really been enjoying all your blogs & the way they give us a real sense of exactly what your team is doing.
    Can't wait to talk to you when you get home ----this has been a truly amazing experience !

    Bobbi and Ray

  4. Hi Caty, I am sorry you have been sick with altitude sickness. I had it one time and you really feel bad, but you are better now???
    The picture of the shade cover in very intresting.It look like it would be fun to build.
    We went to the cabin this week end Ruth & Toby were already there and they stayed longer, they didn't want to hassel with traffic.It was hot Fri. & Sat,but cool Sun. Keep having a good time, and take care. Love lots Nona

  5. You were blogging regularly, got sick one day and then "went silent" (according to Uncle Todd). If you hadn't been blogging so regularly, we wouldn't be worried but you have been...
    We sailed in the Duck Dodge this evening. You would LOVE IT! Alec made LOTS of balloons for us to retaliate to a "pirate" boat who soaked us with water guns. We couldn't catch them before they escaped under the Montlake Bridge. Alec will have all of the details for you.
    Missing your daily stories. Get back to us soon. Mon & Dad
