Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 14: Pictures!

Prayer Flags above the monastery that sits with the palace above all of Leh. I met this little girl sitting out side of the festival. She was so cute, we had a good time together playing phone with rocks.
This is from the roof of the Hemis monastery looking down on the festival. The monastery itself was hidden back inside the mountains and you couldn't see it until you were about a half a km away from it. So it was extremely beautiful.
Here's me over looking the town of Leh where our hotel is about 18 km away from the town of Shey where the school we're working at is.


  1. Almost like a professional took them! MYS

  2. i love these pictures!! They're gorgeous. I'm glad you invested in that snazzy snazzy camera of yours.
    I'm stoked that i got woken up from a phone call from India today! Great way to start the day.
    But I think you sent some germs via SKYPE I've been sick all day
    haha actually, I'm almost positive it's all the whiskey I've consumed. It might have compromised my immune system. But hey! I miss my Caty. So, adult beverages will have to do till you get back.
    So till your return... CHEERS! well, maybe when my fever goes away but you can use your awesome caty imagination and imagine me drinking with a fever.
    Be safe! Have fun!
