Today is my day off, i'm just going to take it easy and get a couple things done around town. Get some rest and hang out with all the sick people back at the hotel. We've had a bug that's getting past around the group, but have no fear, i'm not going to get it.
That's it for now here's some more pictures from the past week.
We are now living in the age of the 4th Buddha and there are 1000 ages of Buddha each lasting 5000 years. All 1000 Buddhas were painted on this monastery we went to.

This is the beautiful construction work of the Ladakhis.

There was a big festival at the school last Saturday for His Holiness and the kids had a sort of field day that we all watched and this kid was so cute trying the hop in these huge snow boots.

This is Nora (my roommate here) and Jersey at the Hemis monastary going down these scary stairs they had everywhere.

Every buddist temple has these prayer wheels on the outside of the building that when you go to the temple you go around in 3 times clockwise and pray as you turn each wheel.
Wy are the staers so "scary" Caty
because they were really steep and wobbly. And while you were going down them someone else whould come up them at the same time. It always felt like you were going to get pushed off.