Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 18: Video Of What I've Been Doing the Past 4 Days

Today we finished putting together the Rebo. Here is a video of time lapse photos that Timmy put together to some awesome MJ music.
Like i said before, a Rebo is a traditional nomadic tent used through out the Himalayas. It took us 4 days to put in together when it normally only takes nomads 1 day to put together. Kind of sad but we got it finally! In the video i'm the one wearing the large brimmed brown hat, wearing a light blue shirt most days and a bright pink shirt on the last day (toward the end of the video).
So tomorrow we are going to have all the kids at the school who come from nomadic families come and check out what we've done


  1. Caty, Loved the video, gave me a real sense of what you have been doing. Sounds like you are doing well and loving this experience. Take care.

    Bobbi and Ray

  2. Hi Caty, Pretty cool video, look like you were working hard!!!what dose the Rebo look like on the inside? How come it is square instead of round?
    We had the WS summer fest this week end, I worked at the Eagle's hamberg and hot dog stand, it was kinda hot but we had a cover, so did't get sun burned. Keep having fun and lots of pictures. Love you lots, Nona

  3. Caty,
    Looks like a fun structure. Why is it black? Isn't that kinda of hot? Also how did you get the video posted? Here at the MIC we want to post a video on our website and we are clueless, of course. We need a younger person working here. Keep having fun.
    Love, Aunt Pam

  4. You have a unique Video with Mickael there helping. That must be where he made the Video Black or White. Save this for memories, not the tent but his glove. Do you have better accommodations for your room than that tent?
    Do you dig it down for water?

