Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 15: Manual Labor

Today was our first day of real work we were out in the hot hot sun digging and pick axing all day! what my group is working on now is building a permanent version of the traditional nomadic home called a Rebo. So we're digging down 18" then building up low walls out of the granite that is found everywhere since all the mountains around are made up of that. That's all i really know about the structure so far because that's all we did today but tomorrow we're going to get into the cover which is a hand made yak hair tarp like thing. Whatever it turns out to be we have to have it done by Saturday so i'll have pictures of it up when we're done.
Bed for me now, i am super beat!


  1. Hi,Caty the pictures you sent of the country is beautiful. The little girl you talked to could she under stand what you were saying???She was sure cute!!Keep having lots of fun,don't work to hard. Love you lots Nona

  2. Looks like digging in Walden island clay was just the training you needed to become an international architect!

    We'd be willing to let some of your colleagues train on our clay if need be. It would be a sacrifice for us of course.
