Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 2: Flying to Amsterdam

I'm off to the airport! flying to Amsterdam. We get in at 7am local time then, we're staying at the flying pig hostel in downtown. I'll write again once i get there.


  1. Hi Caty,
    Have fun in Amsterdam! The Anne Frank house is worth seeing, and it will take you into a really neat neighborhood along the canals. If you go about 5 blocks away from the house, there is a pub where only Dutch beer is sold, and it is really good - cafe 't Arendsnest, Herengracht 90. It is along a canal and if you ask someone, they will direct you to where it is located. It is a unique place. The Rijksmuseum is also worth seeing, terrific art, and the building itself is a masterpiece - lots of interesting architecture in Amsterdam, lots of cigarette smoke too but oh, well. Lots of young people, you will have a great time. We will be tracking your adventure. Love, Anita

  2. Excited for you, Caty! I'm so glad you're doing a blog - the kids and I will be reading along with your travels.
    We'll be praying for safe travel and great experiences. :)
    Much love,

  3. Caty,
    Have a great time and safe travels. Whay are you going to India?

  4. C-
    Still trying to figure out the mechanics of being a Follower. Somehow your picture is the Follower instead of us.. Oh well, you'll just have to keep pulling us into the modern age.
